Corpse party anime ending explained
Corpse party anime ending explained

corpse party anime ending explained

Yuka, Satoshi's younger sister, died due to Satoshi prioritizing Naomi's well-being over that of his own sibling. This ending is unlocked by leaving Yuka to her fate in the girls' lavatory.Īt last, the group escaped from the old schoolhouse, but they lost a dear companion in the process. Her final thoughts are, "Whose voice is calling me.?" Ayumi goes on, until the unbearable pain, coming from her neck, makes her lose consciousness. The towel she is using to scrub her neck, mixed with soap and blood, becomes of the same color of her neck, until it is impossible to know its true color.


Screaming, Ayumi scrubs more intensely, peeling her skin until blood started gushing, but the bruise was still there. She tries to scrub it, but the more she does the more the bruise spreads and darkens, until it becomes so black, that it looks as if it's strangling her. The next day, Ayumi goes to the bathroom to wash her face, but she freezes when, looking into the mirror, she sees a hand shaped bruise on her neck. Ayumi can't stop from crying, yet her tears will never reach Yoshiki. This ending is unlocked by having Yoshiki killed by the anatomical model in the science lab in order to save Ayumi.Īt last, the group manages to escape but they dare not to speak because they know they lost a very close friend. The chapter ends with this sentence: "What do we become in death.?"

corpse party anime ending explained corpse party anime ending explained

Probably the sense of guilt, caused by the fact that he ran away while Ayumi needed him, has crushed him. Yoshiki asks the group to be left alone, and that will also be the last time everyone ever see him, even though he promised to live in Ayumi's stead. This ending is unlocked by having Ayumi killed by the anatomical model in the science lab.Īt last, the group manages to escape but they dare not to speak because they know they lost a very close friend. The ending ends with Yoshiki asking Ayumi how she managed to know that ghost story she told them, and Ayumi will answer that perhaps it was spread by the spirit itself. Before leaving the classroom Naomi asks one last thing to Satoshi, which is if he sees her as a woman, to which the player may choose to answer "Yes" or "No." No matter the answer, Naomi states that acting like this is not like her and asks Satoshi to forget what she said, but in the end she invites Satoshi to listen to her playing the piano sometime, to which he happily agrees.

corpse party anime ending explained

Satoshi cheers her up, remembering that now she is no longer suffering because they managed to appease her. There, Naomi will reveal to Satoshi her concern about what the girl must have been through for all this time. All of a sudden, Naomi stops, asking the others to wait for her because she forgot something in their classroom, and is followed by Satoshi, prompted by Yoshiki to do so. Satoshi looking to his classmates still can't believe they made it, and thinks that this is also the same thing the others are feeling. They are exhausted for what they have been through, but happy to be all still alive. The five classmates, Satoshi Mochida, Naomi Nakashima, Yuka Mochida, Yoshiki Kishinuma, and Ayumi Shinozaki, find themselves in their school again. This ending is unlocked by having everyone still alive at the end of the game.

Corpse party anime ending explained